Coptic Bible Workshop – Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions

22. – 24.10.2018 University of Helsinki, Faculty of Theology

Digitale Gesamtedition und Übersetzung des koptisch-sahidischen Alten Testaments

The workshop will bring together the Digital Edition of the Coptic Old Testament project, the Coptic Manuscripts from the Ilves Collection project, and The Göttingen Septuagint projects on the Books of Samuel. The workshop is organized by the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions (CSTT) in connection with the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Coptic Old Testament / Septuaginta-Kommission).

Monday 22.10.

  • Digital methods and tools in editing Greek and Coptic texts
  • Digital methods working group
  • General session: Current Research on the Coptic Bible

Tuesday 23.10.

  • Translation technique of Coptic biblical texts
  • Coptic witnesses in Septuagint editions working group

Wednesday 24.10.

  • Coptic witnesses for Minor Prophets
  • Minor Prophets working group (I)
  • Minor Prophets working group (II)
  • The Letter to the Hebrews in Palaeo-Bohairic version

Digitale Gesamtedition und Übersetzung des koptisch-sahidischen Alten Testaments