"Building the Presence of the Prince - The Institutions Related with the Ruler's Works as Key Elements of the European Courts (XIVth - XVIIth Centuries)" | Utrecht, 08.- 09.11.2019

Residenzstädte im Alten Reich (1300-1800) projektrelevant

Symposium, Utrecht, 08. – 09.11.2019



Koninklijke Nederlandse Oudheidkundige Bond
Postbus 5043 2600 GA Delft
p/a TU Delft - Faculteit Bouwkunde / Heritage & Architecture

E-Mail:  info@knob.nl

Internet:  https://knob.nl/event/building-the-presence-of-the-prince/

Residenzstädte im Alten Reich (1300-1800) projektrelevant